Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dream #45 - Hello, It's me, Picasso!

Mai Ya hee, Mai Ya hoo, Mai Ya haha
Mai Ya hee, Mai Ya hoo, Mai Ya haha

This line from a song caught my attention ever since I was a kid. I wanted to listen to it every day yet, I didn't even know its title. I tried asking some people if they heard a song with that lyrics yet no one knew. Even though I was only a kid when I first heard it, I never forgot its tune and I kept singing that same line over and over again.

With only a line and tune as a hint, how would I ever find that song again? Yet I was still determined to find that only song that captured my heart.

Until one day, a friend asked me to download him songs from YouTube. He used to work in a sound system for rent way back home. So an idea struck me and asked him if he ever heard a song with the said lyrics. And guess what? He really did and he also knew the title. I was so happy and search it in YouTube immediately. I downloaded the song into my computer and into my phone. And so the long-searched song was entitled "Dragostea din tei" and sung by the Moldovan pop group, O-Zone. It was in Romanian.

The original version became more famous in the United States when a video of Gary Brolsma dancing to the song calling it Numa Numa, went viral. The DiscO-zone made an english version of the song which is focused on the "It's me, Picasso" lyric from the original to provide a theme of an artist who has lost his muse.

I felt really happy and was so contented when I heard it again. My childhood memories rushed back to me. I listen to the song almost every day. It was the only song that even if I kept on repeating still it's not annoying. This song really inspires me a lot.

Hope you'll listen to Dragostea din tei and love it too!

Dream #195 - To bleach and to dye shorts!

During summer season I always make it a point to do productive things. Fortunately, my sister saw this video in YouTube about a Do-It-Yourself project and I was so amazed of it. Since then I really wanted to try it out myself.

So when I saw some shorts in a thrift store, I bought it immediately and started realizing my dream - to bleach and dye shorts myself!

So first, I created a bleach solution by mixing two cups of water and one cup of bleach in a bucket. Next, I prepared the shorts and dipped it into the mixture I have prepared earlier. I let the shorts sit in the bleach solution up to my desired length. After I left it for 30 minutes.

Now the shorts have became white so I took them out and soaked it again in a bucket with two cups water and one cup vinegar for 5 - 10 minutes. After, I let the shorts dry. After that I wash it again in the water without using any detergent. I dried it again.

When the shorts is dry, it's time to dye! I dissolved the fabric dye into a gallon of hot tap water.

I wet the part of the shorts that I wanted to dye. I wore gloves when dipping the shorts into the bucket. For me, I kept dipping the shorts to reach my desired color. After, I wrung it to remove excess dye and I rinsed the part of the shorts which have been dyed with cool water. Then I let it dry. After that, I washed the shorts in cold water with detergent to set the dye. I dried it again and tadaa! My DIY bleached and dyed shorts were done!

Since I bleached and dyed too many shorts, my sister suggested to sell some of it. Now I'm selling it for a cheap price! Comment below if interested.

Define Dream!

Merriam defines dream as a visionary creation of the imagination. Wikipedia defines it as successions of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. I define it as something that is really wanted. 

A dream is something beautiful that can inspire and give hope. A dream is something to look forward to. A dream is something that defines you.

I dream a lot. I dream big. I dream endless.

But, I don't just dream. I make a move for things to happen.

Well, since I got a lot of things in mind that I want to have and achieve, I made a list and is now on the process of fulfilling them.

Follow me as I fulfill my dreams one by one!

Photo credit:
We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
- Walt Disney

Friday, November 29, 2013

About Me

Hi I'm Joyce. I'm just a typical girl with a long list of things I wanted to have, to achieve and to experience. I created this blog as an inventory of all the things I desire. I am an adventurer and a risk taker. I value family and time. I do things that makes me happy as long as it does not do any harm to others and violate God. I believe that life is too precious to be wasted! I don't wait for things to happen, I make things happen.

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